A Pathway to Your Invisible Nature
A Pathway to Lasting Solutions and Change
Mindful Energetics™ means being aware of how you expend your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual energies and how this behavior supports problems in your life that, at best, provide only quick fixes rather than lasting solutions all at a high cost to your body, mind, and spirit.
This series of techniques and information supports lasting solutions and change by getting to the “energetics” of an issue or problem. The energetics of an issue is the consideration of the thoughts and emotional patterns that created the issue or problem in the first place, which underlying Core Beliefs support. Awareness of the “energetics” of an issue lifts you out of the patterns of a run-away and constant-thinking mind and puts you in touch with emotional patterns.
At the core of Mindful Energetics™ is the ability to develop awareness or mindfulness of our bodies’ thought and emotional patterns and energy. In our society, most people live out of their heads — their thinking. This behavior causes us to be unaware of the emotional sensation reactions in our bodies created by a particular thought. We avoid our bodies because these emotional sensations make us uncomfortable.
For instance, you may hear a particular tone or notice an expression of a parent, partner, or boss and will usually “react” to that person the same way each time. You miss the tightening in your chest, how you hold your breath and other places in your body that become tense when you react. Energy can’t flow in this constricted environment. It’s like a kink in a water hose. This behavior, repeated again and again, creates repeated problems of all kinds and can eventually lead to illness. When you use awareness or mindfulness and breathe into the constriction or other sensations in your body, you create a relaxed and informed state of being, allowing for new and different results.
Through this awareness, you gain information that supports lasting change. This new knowledge allows you to take “conscious action,” which ultimately opens the pathway to “create” your life, to “choose” what to think and how to act—no longer reacting out of habits. You are in charge!
more about mindful energetics™
Mindful Energetics™ is an integration of techniques that leads to a relaxed state of awareness. It allows people to observe and detach from their habitual nature to discover how they expend their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual energies and at what energetic cost. The process takes your awareness inward, where you can discover patterns of thinking and feeling that contribute to a lack of well-being.
Several modalities, like a systems theory approach to healing, breathing techniques, Human Design, and several energy healing types, are the foundation of Mindful Energetics™.
Systems Theory is the idea that a collection of variables work together to create a particular issue, such as aspects contributing to one’s behavior and welfare. A great example of systems theory is baking a cake. Laying out all the ingredients on the counter only makes a cake once the ingredients are mixed and baked.
Breathing Techniques: Poor breathing habits significantly contribute to disease (dis-ease), mental and physical discomfort, and stress. Shallowing or holding one’s breath is a tendency in our culture.
Human Design is a mathematical chart that combines knowledge of the ancient sciences of astrology, I-Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system with modern science – quantum physics and the construction of the human genetic code. Birth date, time, and place determine the results of a blueprint of the energies one deals with in life.
Energy healing is a mind-body approach to healing. It is holistic in working with the body’s subtle energy system, activating its ability to heal itself. Examples include Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT tapping), Acupuncture, Reiki, and other types of hands-on healing. This type of healing consists of all parts of the body’s energy system — meridians, chakras, and auras- rooted in ancient healing practices and supported by modern science. When energetically manipulated, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual issues at this level activate the body’s energy system to remove the energetic blocks that impede healing.
Are you ready to take this journey back to who you truly are?
Are you ready to "Emerge & Thrive?"
On our call, together, we’ll devise a customized plan that is dialed in to your unique needs for the quickest and best possible outcome.