As you journey through perimenopause,
menopause, and beyond
You Can
Reclaim Your Energy and Reclaim Your Life
Carmen Edwards, MA
Spiritual Support and Wellness Coach.
Carmen Edwards, MA
Spiritual Support and Wellness Coach.
I’m thrilled to be a Spiritual Support and Wellness Coach specializing in Perimenopause and Menopause changes and issues. I have a burning desire to support and teach women like you as you journey through Perimenopause, Menopause, and Post-menopause toward empowerment and transformation. I stand by you and encourage you every step of the way as you work through the barrage of blocks and repeated patterns that hold you back and keep you from creating the life you desire, using the wisdom you have accumulated throughout your life.
I am certified to practice Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) – tapping. I am also proficient in Matrix Reimprinting (MR). MR is a technique that takes EFT to a whole other level. I am the creator of Mindful Energetics™.
EFT helps break up the emotional blocks that keep us from moving forward and attaining transformation in our lives. EFT is easy to learn and do on one’s own.
Matrix Reimprinting (MR) relieves the energy of trauma so new picture can be created and reimprinted into one of empowerment. In so doing, the trauma no longer has an impact or influence on the client’s life.
My own creation: a unique approach to well-being, emphasizing how our mental and emotional energies affect our overall wellness and support unwanted and repeated patterns that obstruct our lives.
The masculine energy that runs the world has overshadowed the Divine Feminine Spirit. Dear Fabulous Feminine Sisters, have we lost our connection to the Divine Feminine Spirit? Is it time to reclaim it?
The Divine Feminine is nurturing and gentle, soothing and cooling. It’s like the soft glow of the moon, and like the moon, it depends on the light from the sun, but not too much, or it will, you guessed it, burn up. This Divine Feminine Energy is hiding inside every woman. It must be uncovered and healed within us so that the Divine Feminine can bring healing and balance to each of us and our world.
Masculine energy that permeates the world now and for centuries has lost its sacredness, purpose, and connection to the Divine. When this energy is out of balance, it thrives on power and force. No wonder so much has been lost. The sun’s energy is an example of Divine Masculine energy. It is the source of warmth and light, which the world cannot do without, but left unchecked, the world would, I say it again, “burn up.”
We can “Emerge and Thrive Now” as balanced and connected leaders of the Divine Feminine world! As we attend to our personal journeys, we heal ourselves and connect to the Divine Feminine; we send healing ripples into the world.