

​All you Fabulous Feminine Females out there stop what you’re doing and take note. It’s time to take up your Goddess Warrior Shields and take a stand. You must defend yourself, not with the person you feel has wronged you somehow, but with an energy that lives inside you. An energy I’m going to call “Untamed Bitch” that you created to protect you and get you through those times when you were at a loss for what to say or how to act.   

​Some of you may think the B word carries with it a negative connotation. Yes, that’s possible, but for my purposes here it doesn’t. Read on and you’ll understand.

There are a lot of us “Untamed Bitches” running around. I bet every woman on the planet has one hidden within them. That’s scary.

Twenty years ago, a book by Elizabeth Marlow, “Handbook for the Emerging Woman,” greatly influenced me and my work. It’s about “awakening the unlimited power of the feminine spirit.” What is so intriguing about this book are two of the chapters. I was drawn to the first chapter, “Owning the Bitch” and the fifth, “Awakening the Goddess.” As far as I was concerned, this author did a massive service for all women.

In the introduction to the first chapter, Marlow describes the bitch as “a role we resort to when we don’t know what else to do.” We bring out our Bitch when we don’t know how to express our feelings without the threat of possibly being punished or embarrassed. We feel powerless. So we learn to use the bitch energy to “manipulate and maneuver” our way through those times. Creating the bitch is an automatic reaction in all of us, and I’m sad to say, that creation starts at a young age.

What’s scary is, if left to fend for herself, there is no telling what the Untamed Bitch is capable of doing. Because, when we don’t explore this part of ourselves, it keeps playing the same role over and over again. The characters in our life’s production change, but the energy of the Untamed Bitch is on the loose once again. For example, a second divorce, another lost job, sleepless nights, poor health, depression, high stress — all kinds of problems keep happening. They seem different, but on an energetic level, they aren’t.

My mother is a perfect example of an Untamed Bitch. She was an exceptionally opinionated woman. At her funeral, I found it interesting how her friends talked about her. They said things like, “She really told it like it is,” or “She didn’t mince words.” On the other hand, as her daughter, I thought she was negative and critical of others and especially me. I had my own way of interpreting her words and tone. She was a BITCH!

The crazy thing was that I had no clue how or why I felt the way I did around her. I was aware of a pressure that would build inside of me and then slowly go away. I didn’t know how to separate myself from her words. I didn’t know how to detach and observe as if I was part of an audience at a play staring “My Mom and Me.”

A change happened when I was in my mid-30s. I’ll never forget the day, “I got it!” It was all about a stupid casserole dish that I felt needed to be soaked overnight. In her usual, condescending tone, she insisted that I scrub it, dry it, and put it away.

In a flash, there it was, clarity. I was aware of the anger. I could feel the emotion rising up in me like lava in an erupting volcano. OMG! How often had I had that reaction while growing up?

I actually yelled at her and told her what a bitch I thought she was. It all came pouring out of me. Years of my raw emotions directed at her. My reaction was probably not the smartest thing I had ever done, and I don’t recommend this kind of behavior.

I did feel a little better, despite my method of telling her off.  But, even with that relief, I realized that I had just barely touched the tip of the iceberg—more realistically, it was the tip of the pile of SHIT that had built up in me and that I had continually added to through the years.

The lesson in all this for me was that none of this was about my mother at all. It wasn’t about the dirty casserole dish or her admonishment of my washing the damn thing. It was about the play. The script I had written in my head—the one I allowed to run my life without me consciously paying admission to it. There was no Goddess Warrior, no awakened feminine spirit on the playbill. Consequently, I have paid the price with the struggles I have had with my self-esteem, my relationships, and my health.

In defense of my mom and all the

“Untamed Bitches:”
Mom came from a long line of women who carried their Untamed Bitches to their graves. I feel badly for these mothers and grandmothers. They were never able to awaken the Goddess Warrior — the fullness of their feminine. They didn’t have a clue and had no one to help them see and integrate this energy. So they “manipulated and maneuvered” their way through their lives — their worlds.

We women of the 21st century have the opportunity to right this wrong for ourselves, and for our mothers and grandmothers. Because, as we tame our bitch, it has a vibration that not only travels back in time but also into the future for our daughters and our sons. The vibration begins for us in the present as it allows us to interact with what life has in store for us from a place of conscious awareness. That awareness gives us a position from which we can make informed decisions — informed choices on how to take positive action rather than lash out with negative raw emotion.

This is where the Goddess Warrior comes into play in our lives. She is the part of us that can take a stand with our Untamed Bitch, letting her know that we appreciate the protection that she has provided for us and that we are now in touch with our power and the infinite possibilities available for us.  As a result, we can tame and train that bitch energy, and use it when we need it; not as an unconscious reaction, but as a conscious choice. After all we each have both sides—the Goddess Warrior and the Bitch, residing side by side.

Are you ready to join in the journey? Are you ready to take on the challenge? Are you ready to take up your Goddess Warrior Shield and make the changes that not only impact your life, but the lives of your family and friends. Changes that, if you dare to imagine, can impact past, present, and future generations of women. What a Blessing that we have this knowledge available to us.

Has the time come for you to tame the Bitch? Is it time for you to kick your Untamed Bitch out of the driver’s seat of your life? Is it time to get on the pathway to renewed health and well-being? If so, contact me for a free 30-minute discovery call at www.carmenedwards.com or email me at carmen@carmenedwards.com

The time is NOW to take back control of your life.