
The Mindful Transitions Menopause holistic Coaching Programs

The Mindful Transitions Menopause Coaching Programs

a holistic approach

The Mindful Transitions Menopause Coaching Programs

a holistic approach

My unique coaching programs are a pathway to finding peace and happiness while on this journey through midlife and beyond.

pink rose cropped
Surprised Woman Menopause

"Holy Shift, my body — my life is changing!"

  • My mind is foggy making it hard to do my work as efficiently as I have in the past?
  • Is it hard to navigate because of embarrassing hot flashes at inopportune times?
  • Are your emotions bouncing all over — up and down?
  • Do you feel like you will never get your life back?
  • Does it feel like life has let you down to the point you no longer recognize it or yourself?
  • Do you feel like your body has turned on you?
  • Do you feel that your relationships are strained?
  • Sex life — what sex life?
  • Are your clothes feeling too tight?
  • Do you feel sandwiched between generations — aging parents and teenagers?
  • Does it sometimes feel like the stress is so overwhelming that you might never recover or find your way out of the maze that your life seems to be?
  • Do you feel powerless?
  • Don’t know where to turn?

Never fear...

As a Spiritual Support and Wellness Menopause Coach, I can help you sort through all these changes and disruptions to find your way to who you truly are—reclaim your power. I will be there for you as an advocate and support you every step of the way. We will create a plan together tailored to your needs.

Why Coaching for women while on their menopause journey?

This time in a woman’s life can not only be disruptive and throw you off balance. It’s a time that can open the path for old stuff to surface that was thought to be buried for good – old thoughts and feelings supported by core beliefs. It’s an opportunity to take a look at these old patterns and learn from them so that you can move into the next phase of your life, leaving behind the old garbage. 

Are you angry, upset, or just plain “pissed off” at what is happening to your body, mind, your emotions, and even your spirit — your life? Are you asking, “Why did God create this time in a woman’s life? “What was God thinking?” Have you lost your faith? Do you feel discounted from — God, the Feminine Spirit, the Universe — whatever you call your higher power?

My answer is that peri/menopause is a natural progression in a woman’s life that can be full of possibilities and wisdom — an opportunity to rewrite your story. 

I'm not crazy!!!

I understand now why I'm so exhausted all the time! I know now that I have ways to fix the fatigue as well as other issues I'm experiencing. Thanks to Carmen who helped me by inspiring me to rethink the menopausal changes as being natural for this time in my life. She taught me how to use my breathing to help with the fatigue I was feeling. She helped me talk to my husband about our relationship, especially our sex life that had gradually declined over the last couple of years.

She has showed me how to make peace with my body again and to maintain a balance in my life that has been absent for a long time. I really am ok -- not crazy! I highly recommend working with Carmen. Her program is just what I needed to get through this time in my life."

Before I go on, though, I want to mention a pet peeve...

The changes women experience during menopause are called “symptoms.” According to Webster’s dictionary, the word symptom  means “subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance.” Yes, there are physical disturbances, but a woman is not sick, which  I believe the word symptom implies. Menopause is NOT a disease; it is a time in life that brings about “dis-ease” because of hormonal changes that affect a woman’s body, mind, emotions, and even her spirit.

Carmen Edwards Menopause Coach

my signature Mindful Transitions menopause coaching programs

3-Month Program:
The Mindful EnergeticsTM Coaching Program

The Triple Boost:
3 Zoom Calls to Kickstart Your Journey

You Can Blossum... Even Through Menopause!

You Can Blossum... Even Through Menopause!

The Triple Boost: 3 Zoom Calls to Kickstart Your Journey.

Is Peri/Menopause Kicking Your BUTT?

Are any of the issues listed below causing problems in your life?

  • Can’t get a good night’s sleep
  • Exhaustion
  • Low libido
  • Foggy Brain
  • Irregular periods that sneak up on you
  • Emotional ups and downs
  • Feel Spiritually disconnected
  • Hot Flashes at embarrassing times
  • Night sweats

Do you dread what could happen next?

There are many more issues. You fill in the blank _________.


HOLY SHIFT, my body and my life are changing!

Why do women have to go through this craziness?


What if there’s an easy tool that you could use to help you deal with the midlife changes?

What if you could take back your power that menopause and its changes have over you?

What if there was a different way to get through this midlife journey?  

What if these disruptions in your life are nature’s way of telling you that some of your habits and core beliefs may need changing?

ENTER… Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

EFT for Menopause Image

What is EFT?

EFT is a way to tap into your body’s energy system, the meridians. It is in the same treatment family as acupressure and acupuncture — without the needles. 

Energy moves through the meridians in the body much like the electrical energy in the wires in a home. When there is a blockage, there could be a fire, or the lights won’t work. 

When there is pain or emotional upset in the body, the energy flow is disrupted, and the energy needed to create well-being is blocked. EFT is an excellent tool for dislodging blocked energy.

There is no doubt (backed by research) that EFT is a powerful tool that gets results quickly. Working with an EFT practitioner is the best place to learn how to use this amazing tool. After several sessions, it is easy to learn and eventually do on one’s own. What a great way to help you through your Midlife Journey through Perimenopause and Menopause and beyond.

The Triple Boost – How It Works:

• Three Zoom Recorded sessions once a week for three weeks, starting with a 90-minute session the first week.

• Ongoing support via Voxer. (A talk and listen simultaneously app.)

• Also Included: 

Breathing and Grounding Techniques (Worth $300.00)

In our society today, people tend to hang out in their heads and are shallow breathers. The techniques in this bonus will help you correct these problems, taking only a few minutes several times a day. These techniques will increase your energy levels and sense of well-being.

The Investment:


You Can Blossum... Even Through Menopause!

You Can Blossum... Even Through Menopause!

3-Month Program

The Mindful Energetics™ Coaching Program

A Holistic Approach to Peri/Menopause

a pathway to finding peace and happiness while on this journey through midlife and beyond

What is possible for you in this 3-month Transformative Program:

You will discover how to gracefully navigate life’s transitions as you unleash a path to change and empowered living. You’ll finally be able to break through fear, grief, chaos, exhaustion, overwhelm, and more as you move into awareness and understanding of yourself and your situation. Your energy will shift, and you’ll reconnect with your authentic power, the power that is already within you.

Menopause Coaching Renewal Program

Through your participation in this Program, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Practice proper breathing that will increase the efficient exchange of O2 and CO2 in your body, which will increase your energy and overall health and well-being.
  • Discover the pathway to mindful living through your breath using your breath as the catalyst for the practice of awareness.
  • Learn how to track your thoughts, recognizing through a non-judgmental “witness-self” how you have attached meaning to them. Identify which thoughts serve you and which are destructive, limiting your full potential to live a power-filled life.
  • You will learn how to become comfortable with your emotions and learn to let them flow without feeling afraid or threatened by their energy.
  • Claim your personal power as you discover how and why you place certain “meanings” on situations and relationships that may not be true or valid. 
  • Create new and empowering patterns of living while gaining understanding regarding what’s been holding you back and keeping you stuck in self-sabotage and chaos. 
  • Take informed action in your life rather than reacting to it. Learn how to respond with love instead of acting out in guilt, shame, fear, or anger.
  • You will learn to navigate the changes and transitions in your life from a conscious, informed, and powerful position.
  • Accept your potential for living a fully functioning and rewarding life, no matter what happens around you or to you. 
  • Discover the power drain of your old stories. You will learn to write new scripts that support new possibilities in your life and finally be able to release your past, accepting the lessons it provides.
  • Find out how to replace habitual reactions with conscious actions from your true and AUTHENTIC self.
  • To explore your Spiritual-Self and the meaning it brings to your life.

Breaking free with The Mindful Energetics™ Coaching Program means you will banish self-doubt, gain your footing again, and create the life you want.

You will have a Coach and Mentor by your side who is your unconditional advocate, committed to your peace, wellness and joy in living a fulfilled life.

Details of The Mindful Energetics™ Coaching Program:

Finding peace and happiness through life's difficult changes and challenges

Your Program Includes:

  • First session will be 90 minute one-on-one recorded Zoom meeting to map out a plan specific for your needs.
  • Subsequent sessions will be 55-minute one-on-one recorded Zoom sessions per month.
  • One 15-minute bonus call on the subject of your choice per month if you find yourself in a crisis or need additional support.
  • Together, we will create monthly plans based on where you are on the journey.
  • You will have bonus Voxer support with questions answered throughout the Program. 
  • You will receive monthly guided meditations.
  • You will receive a Monthly Accountability Journal to track your progress.

The Investment:

The Program begins with your commitment to the three months as follows:

Pay in Full: $2720

Optional Payment Plan: 3 monthly payments of $950